Business Line of Credit

When you need flexible funding, a line of credit for business might be the solution you’re looking for. Once approved for a set borrowing limit, your small business can access funding whenever you need it. A business line of credit offers you convenience, flexibility, and quick access to funds.

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Business Line of Credit

The Advantages of a Business Line of Credit

A small business line of credit is a revolving funding mechanism. It’s perfect for situations where your small business may suddenly need funds. For example:

An unexpected invoice requires payment
Sales have been lagging, and you require additional funds to meet your payroll obligations
You may have a promising business opportunity that requires you to travel to meet a potential client

Whatever the reason, you can borrow funds (up to your pre-approved limit) at your discretion and repay the balance over time. As you make your payments, your available funds to borrow are restored. You will also be charged interest for borrowed funds until your line of credit is fully restored.

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Best Business Line of Credit

If you’ve decided that a line of credit is something you’re interested in, call Access Granted for an appointment. We take pride in our service and our expertise. Our financing specialists will answer any questions and work with you to complete the required paperwork.

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Supporting Your Small Business

A small business line of credit is one of many financing options provided by Access Granted. Our expertise has been gained through years of supporting small businesses like yours. You’ll find that our financing specialists are experienced, knowledgeable, and supportive of your continued success.

For your small business, a business line of credit can help you when you need funding now. Contact Access Granted today to discuss how a small business line of credit can benefit you!

Service You Can Trust

Access Granted offers professional services you can count on. When you’re ready, we’ll find the best financial solution for your small business. Why? Because our goal is to help small business owners like you grow your business. At Access Granted, we are committed to your continued success.